
‘Dry Streets’ starts today


The Columbia County Sheriff’s Office, Lake City Police Department and Florida Highway Patrol are teaming up for an initiative targeting impaired drivers.

‘Just shoot me,’ woman yells


A drunk and disorderly woman disturbed the residents of a local neighborhood when she trespassed onto a man’s property — despite repeated warnings not to — and demanded that he shoot her, according

City charter board to be named Monday


Once every decade, Lake City Hall tasks a small group of local residents with helping to update the city’s foundational charter, opening the door for essentially any tweaks and reforms that don’t c

Accident- prone are in CRC’s spotlight


A single county employee was disciplined five separate times over a two-year period for mishaps involving county-owned vehicles or equipment, but still kept his job — and the county’s charter revie

Sheriff to keep control of jail


A proposal to wrest control of the Columbia County jail from the Sheriff’s Office was scrapped Monday evening, after the board that floated the idea backed off from the move. 

Casino worker shot in holdup


Three armed robbers hit a local gaming cafe early Monday morning, where they shot an employee before fleeing by vehicle and eluding law enforcement somewhere near High Springs, according to the Col